im new bout zlibc, is zlibc actually also patch fopen function(in general stdio function--beside posix)? i do something like this after LD_PRELOAD 1. cat myfile it returns contents of file,cat using fopen function to open file. 2. less myfile it returns too cos less using open function to open file.
but how could it be ?? i try to grep fopen, i found nothing :(.how its work or which file/code tell about fopen function.
would you could help this. i need it for my study bout compression. im using zlibc-0.9j =========================================================================================== Netkuis Instan untuk wilayah Bandung (kode area 022) - SD,SMP,SMA berhadiah total puluhan juta rupiah... periode I dimulai 1 April 2004 =========================================================================================== _______________________________________________ zlibc mailing list